Cultur’Cafe & Friends
When you reach the Cultur’Cafe home page, look on the right side of the page and you will find a listing of “Pages” in red type. The fourth heading on this list is “prochaine exposition.” That means the “next exhibit” so click on it and you will find the page with the description of my upcoming show. A really huge thank you to Fabienne Trunyo for translating my information from English to French. I plan to include a photo of Fabienne in a future blog, most likely one taken at my vernissage (opening reception) on Saturday, August 24 at 6:30 p.m. And, of course, I will also post photos of the Cultur’Cafe and the exhibit.
Next, I’d like to introduce two friends who are extremely important for this trip I am embarking on: Margaret Thompson and Cathy Doocy. Both are very wonderful friends of mine, but they’ve not yet met each other. I’m hoping that that can happen somehow on this trip, but the plans so far don’t include it – we shall see. Both women are skilled professional artists and here is some of their excellent and fascinating work:
“Venturing Forth” by Margaret Thompson
“Entangled” by Margaret Thompson
by Cathy Doocy (title not known by me)
Margaret Thompson is the key to this entire trip. It is she who introduced me to her home in France (in Verquilleux, near Ozolles) and to Fabienne and the Cultur’Cafe. I met Margaret over 10 years ago when she attended a class I taught in New Haven CT and we have been on an exciting art adventure together ever since. You will be hearing more about Margaret in future posts, but right now I want to tell her how grateful I am for launching me on this extended visit to France. I will be staying with Margaret and her husband Ken for the first two weeks of my trip. And thank you to Ken in advance for putting up with me while I distract Margaret in the studio.
Cathy Doocy and I have been friends for over 20 years, since we met while getting Masters degrees at Wesleyan University in Middletown CT. She and I have also been on a long and exciting art adventure – including sharing a studio in Hartford and spending 5 weeks in Bulgaria together in an artist residency program. Cathy will be joining me in Bormes-les-Mimosas from September 8 – October 5. We will be gardening, making art, traveling a bit, meeting new people, and … who knows? More about Cathy in later posts.
I am currently madly trying to learn a little French, learn how to do these posts, pack one small carry-on with enough for 10 weeks, spend lots of time with Carl, my husband, because I will miss him … and a million more things. I am overwhelmed, but happy and grateful. Au revoir for now. (Hmmm…I should know how to say ‘for now’ in French!)
Warmest welcome in our Cultur’Cafe….
And thanks for your words about it !!!!
See you soon Debi !