Friday, Aug. 30: Work Hard, Play Hard.
Once that was finished, Margaret and I spent some time working in the studio – sorry, forgot to take photos. Then we had lunch by the pool, and at 2 Pierre joined us for coffee and conversation. I explain this in the captions with the photos below. Pierre wrote a composition about my work in French and translated it into English. Margaret helped bridge the gap between the two and there was much in it to try to understand, mull over, and digest. It is really too long to go into it all in this blog post, so I won’t – but those of you who are coming to Nice for the workshop: Ken, Margaret, and I can tell you more about it – it will probably be valuable and useful to you. Also, just fun to discuss. Pierre was terrific to take so much time and spend so much energy communicating with me – a rare gift for an artist to receive. Thank you, Pierre!
After Pierre left we got into the car and headed for Charolles to do a bit of shopping. I did remember to snap a few shots, just to give you the feel of the place.
We then drove back home and got gussied up for our big splurge at a famous fancy restaurant. I only got a few photos, but you can take a look at their website: Hey Carl, I know you love this restaurant and I am so sad that you weren’t with us. We skipped the cheese board this time and still ended up overstuffed! The food at Restaurant Frederic Doucet is, without doubt, art. I should have taken notes. They begin with a couple of different amuses bouches (something to amuse the mouth). For an appetizer we had fish – whiting – with a crispy crust of some sort on top, along with beetroot sorbet and a side of mushrooms, seaweed, and lemon sauteed into a crusty thin rectangle. The main course was lake char with hazelnut sauce drizzled with hazelnut oil on a bed of sauteed swiss chard stems. At the end of the meal we had a pre-dessert, a dessert, and some tiny little morsels of dessert with our coffee.
It was great to get to know Gaby, an intelligent, exuberant, and very fun and funny woman. That’s why I have no photos of our lovely food – we were all so engaged in talking and laughing and sharing the delight of the food, that I forgot about my reporting duties. We got home at midnight, collapsed into our respective beds, and slept like proverbial logs.
Nope, no feet in this one.

We have to fit that entire pile of wood into that itty bitty woodshed? Then why the heck are we smiling?

Pierre arrived at 2, right after lunch, to join us for coffee and a very lively and thought-provoking conversation in FOUR languages: French, British English, American English, and ART. Pierre gave generously of his time, energy, and talents to write up an essay on his take on my work and, then, to engage in over an hour of conversation about what he wrote. My sincerest thanks to you, Pierre!

Everyone added to this complex and fascinating conversation. Margaret was essential as both translator and moderator – and she also had many valuable insights. Ken was especially valuable in his knowledge of philosophy, history, sociology and such. Wish I had this conversation recorded.

After discussing my work, Pierre brought out his latest edition of the “Sunshine News,” his tongue-in-cheek reportage of the goings on in Verquilleux and the group of friends here. This edition was all about Margaret and Ken’s 50th Wedding Anniversary Party that took place here on July 27th. We were all in stitches! Pierre has a wonderful sense of humor.

Back in Charolles on Friday evening to meet Gaby at Restaurant Frederic Doucet, Hotel de la Poste, for an exceptional dinner.
Hello Debi!
I have just returned from my family vacation in Maine and have spent the last hour catching up on all of your posts!! I am now officially addicted. I am amazed and so impressed that you can be away from home and yet stay so focused on making art (and having fun at the same time). I love the pieces you and Margaret have created. You are both such talented artists! Congratulations on a successful show opening. I am just so thrilled to be able to peer over your shoulder as you travel this wonderful adventure. You are so clever to have planned all of this and I can see that you are going to get so, so much out of each and every experience. Again, thank you for being so generous and taking the time to share with all of you fans all over the world.
Now that my vacation is over, I will be thinking hard about my project for Nice. I like the idea of painting some backgrounds and then collaging ‘on the go.’ Looking forward to your next post!
Is it Art? Well Andy Goldsworthy certainly would think so, and so do I! You two are artists in every aspect of living life to the fullest; as well as bravely creating art on the go. I’m in awe of the natural beauty that surrounds you on your travels, as well as the fun you inject into each adventure. Keep those posts coming. Walt and I have been away for a week so I’m gobbling up all the news today. Such Fun!!!