Oct. 22, Tuesday, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art and Place Garibaldi.
By the way, socca is a thin pancake made with chick peas and olive oil and sprinkled with pepper.

First thing on Tuesday morning: the food and flower market, plus a taste of socca from Therese. Sorry, no photo of everyone chowing down on socca. It is really hard keeping up with an entourage of 17 and sometimes I am slow to remember to take photos.

Marsha, Diane, and Marie at the market. Marsha is usually all smiles – sorry Marsha, but I didn’t have another photo to choose from. Maybe she’s saying, “Hmmmm…more socca?…and apple?…what do I want?”

In the museum. The first floor is a wonderful temporary exhibit of the work of artists who have somehow been influenced by Matisse and includes work done from the year of Matisse’s death until today by many different artists. Serendipity for certain, since I had no idea it would be there when I planned this trip. Learning from other artists is something we talk about all the time in our workshops and critiques.

In the museum. In a previous blog I put photos of what I saw at MAMAC. I am so busy this week that I can barely get a short blog post out. My day goes – nonstop – from 6 – 11 everyday. So I’m not going to put more photos of what we looked at in this post. But the 2nd and 3rd floors are the permanent collection which includes Niki de St Phalle and Yves Klein and many others that I recognize and don’t recognize. Everyone agreed that the experience was rich.

Those of you who are my students will appreciate this. Pas Fini means Not Finished. By Niki de St Phalle. It was on exhibit at MAMAC.

And I am sorry that I don’t remember the artist’s name on this one, but I thought my students…and maybe you other artists who are reading this…might appreciate this.